Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Movie Blog #1 Blog #4

Stephen King, famous for his horror stories and films, makes all of his book’s plots and climax’s rely on suspense, not like other horror books and films that rely on blood and gore to scare their readers and watchers. Stephen King’s book, The Shining, talks about an average adult man that has had many problems that had occurred in his past life. Those problems that this man has had was between his wife and his son and also his past job as a teacher at a college prep school. He had solved his alcohol problem that was the cause to his past problems and he had recently been hired at a hotel to be a janitor for the off-season. Stephen King is trying to tell his readers about the average people in life encounter many problems that affect their future and relationships. Stephen King had to know the realization of average peoples lives and also the many problems that affect families relationships to one another. As a reader of The Shining, you can tell that Stephen King likes to build up a lot of suspense to future encounters between characters. He also likes to define his characters and tell in very depth and detail the personality of the main character to help his readers understand how each of his character act and how those characters may act later on in the book. I believe that Stephen King wrote this book to show that there are many problems in society that affect the personalities of people and also to show the realization of society. The story of The Shining takes place mostly at the small home of the man and his family and then the setting moves along to the hotel where the man and his family will spend the cold winter nights taking care of the hotel. Stephen King sets the story in the time period of the sixties. As a reader you can tell that the time period of The Shining took place in the sixties because of the family relationship that goes on. Also by the problems that were going on, such as the war. Another authors tactic Stephen King uses is creating a strong atmosphere for the setting in his story. Stephen King describes the setting in great detail in the first hundred pages by telling his readers about the mountains and the brutally cold winter blizzards and the huge seventy foot tall hotel that is far from civilization. Stephen King is an overall strong writing author that spends a lot of time telling his readers about the setting, characters, and he knows how to build up suspense for future occurrences later on in the book.    

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